A school girl looking at the camera as the sun makes a glint on the camera

Nursery FAQs

What are your opening hours?

As most of our nursery parents are working we open from Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 6.00pm.  A range of short sessions, full days or half days, with or without lunch are offered to cater for individual requirements.

Do you take nursery vouchers and other nursery scheme payments?

Yes, we accept Local Authority funding for three to four-year olds.  This currently provides for up to thirty hours per week for more information regarding funding and vouchers, please speak to any member of staff or the Finance Department. 

Are all the staff first aid trained?

All our staff members are trained in paediatric first aid, which is regularly updated.

What are your ratios?

For our 0 to 2-year olds it’s 1-3, for our 2 to 3-year olds it’s 1-4 and over 3 years old it’s 1-8.

What happens if my child becomes poorly or has an accident at nursery?

A member of the Nursery staff will contact you immediately to let you know.

Do you cater for different dietary needs?

Before starting, we ask parents for information about any special dietary requirements, preferences and food allergies in order to ensure that appropriate food choices are offered. 

If my child is poorly and can’t attend will I still be charged?

Fees remain payable during periods of absence unless alternative arrangements have been agreed.

What is your policy regarding giving medication to my child?

Our policy is that practitioners are only able to administer medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse or pharmacist.  A consent form must be signed by parents and returned to the nursery before the child joins.

Can I book extra sessions?

Additional one-off sessions may be booked provided there is a space available and it does not compromise the adult-to-child ratios within the Nursery. If you wish to change your normal pattern of attendance including increasing or decreasing hours, this will need to be discussed with the Nursery management.

Are you open all year round?

We close for two weeks at Christmas and on bank holidays.

What happens if I am delayed collecting at the end of the day?

You must let the Nursery know as soon as possible so a practitioner can remain with your child until you arrive to pick them up.

What is the procedure if someone else has to collect my child?

Before you child starts you will be asked to complete a Nursery Registration form.  There is a section which requires Emergency Contact Details of someone who will collect your child in case of an emergency, along with a Security Code. If the Nursery has not seen this person before they will NOT allow your child to leave the Nursery with them unless they know your security code. The code can be a word or numbers.

How will I know my child is kept safe?

The Nursery is a secure unit with keypad entry, parents and non-nursery staff are not allowed to enter unless accompanied by a practitioner. There are numerous policies and risk assessments in place covering every aspect of the Nursery.  The Nursery Manager conducts a health and safety check each morning before the children arrive and here are regular checks during the day to make sure the children are safe and happy.

Do you take the children out on trips?

Trips are normally planned a term in advance.  Letters will be sent out detailing any costs and special requirements and a permission form.  I you do not wish you child to attend the trip, they are more than welcome to stay at nursery in a different class.

Nursery Prospectus

For more information on our Nursery, please click the image below to view our current Nursery booklet.


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