children from a prep school in lucton
children in an art lesson
science experiments at Lucton School
Students playing football
Students playing lacrosse
girls playing netball at Lucton School
Lucton School children sitting in arches of red brick building
school students with military uniforms

Middle & Senior

(Ages 10-16)

The transition to Middle School represents a significant stepping stone in a student’s development; however, Year 6 follows a similar learning environment to that of the Prep School, with students mostly being taught in their form room, predominantly by their Form Teacher. At Lucton, students do not take SATs, allowing them time to explore a full range of subjects in much greater depth and with far less pressure. This also contributes to making the transition in Year 7, when they begin to study a broader curriculum with the introduction of separate sciences and Latin, far smoother.

As they progress through the school, students will undertake an exciting and ambitious curriculum where they are actively encouraged to engage with subjects, to ask questions and to develop viewpoints of their own. There is also an increased focus on independent study skills and exam preparation, as well as the pastoral care required to shape them into confident and respectful young adults with character. Lucton students consistently achieve excellent examination results in their GCSEs but, although expectations are high, with hard work, small class sizes and excellent teaching, younger students soon realise these goals are perfectly attainable. Our students have a diverse range of interests: some will be passionate musicians and artists, some will excel in sports, others will develop a love of academics or drama, but all will be supported, challenged and inspired to achieve far more than they imagined possible.

Lucton enjoys an enviable reputation for sport, and we sincerely believe that it helps instil many of the positive attributes needed to succeed in life, including team work, competitive spirit, determination and humility. Wednesday afternoons are entirely devoted to games and competitive fixtures as our students are pitted against the best schools throughout the West Midlands and Wales, regularly winning at district and county level. For some, however, this is just the start, and several of our current students also have the accolade of having represented Great Britain in international competitions. From swimming, hockey, rugby and football, to netball, lacrosse and equestrianism, there really is something for everyone and all are encouraged to try their hand at as many sports as possible.

Aside from academics and sport, students enjoy a rich programme of creative arts including music lessons, choirs and orchestras, drama productions and LAMDA sessions, and superb facilities for CDT and art & design including textiles and graphic design options. In addition to this, all students from Year 8 upwards will join our Combined Cadet Force, which was recently recognised as the number one CCF unit in England and Wales, for provision of First Aid. Most at Lucton will also take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme gaining Bronze and Silver Awards, with many achieving Gold in the Sixth Form. Although not compulsory, students also have the opportunity to take part in cultural trips, competitions and expeditions across Europe in addition to bi-annual skiing trips.


Middle School Curriculum Booklet

Senior School GCSE Booklet


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