A raffle is being set up at the Lucton Harvest Festival

Lucton Tercentenary Cross Country

Posted: 18th March 2022

students running across the field

A tradition established in 2008, when Lucton celebrated its 300 year anniversary, students from Year 3 to Year 6 were joined by a number of local primary schools who also joined the event.

The popular event was enjoyed by over 250 children, gamely running around the far-field and the rugby field. All the participants were very happy, and it was wonderful to see so many parents and visitors enjoy supporting the runners.

The organisation of the event was no mean feat, and a huge thank you goes to Mrs Cannop and the sports team for making all the preparations. The thanks extend to many Lucton departments who all played their part including Maintenance, for putting up the course, tent and making sure all equipment was there; Chef Paul and his team for the delicious and much-needed refreshments; Admin, who provided the behind the scenes paperwork and our fantastic CCF staff and students, who not only offered First Aid, but did the all-important roles of being marshals, race hares, tortoises, group liaison officers and more.

Floreat Luctonia!


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