girl with static hair

Duke of Edinburgh Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award aims to provide students with an enjoyable, challenging and rewarding programme of personal development. It is a nationally recognized award, valued by universities and employers.

Students have the option to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award, which for Senior School students, is delivered through the CCF, particularly the skill, physical, and expedition elements.

For Sixth Form students, the Duke of Edinburgh Award can be taken either as part of CCF or independently of it.

To gain an award students will need to undertake activities in four sections (volunteering, skills, physical recreation and expedition) and demonstrate improvement through persistence and achievement.  We regularly assess students for Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards.

Join us for our Open Day

Discover Lucton and meet our new Headmaster at our next Open Day.

Or join us for an exciting education during our Nursery at our Stay and Play session on Wednesday 8th May!

To book your place, please click here.

a girl using a bunsen burner